Zumba Zagreb will help you get fit and stay healthy!

Zumbalice ste sve Vi zaljubljenice u ovaj program vježbanja i one koje će to postati. Sve koje radni dan želite zaključiti sa svojih sat vremena anti-stress terapije.

Sat vremena skakanja, plesa, smijeha i gubljenja kalorija učinkovito rješava nakupljeni stres i poboljšava raspoloženje. Postanite i vi naša zumbalica bez obzira na dob, fizičku kondiciju i poznavanje plesnih pokreta.

Pridružite se zabavi koju su isprobale tisuće žena i otkrijte novi zabavan način vježbanja. Zagreb ima novu Zumba lokaciju :-)

Influenced by African and Latin dance, zumba leads members in a
high-impact aerobic dance exercise. A one-hour zumba class can
burn up to 470 calories. If you participate in an hour-long class at
least three days a week, you will have performed more than your
weekly advisable amount of aerobic exercise. Because this type of
aerobic training is fun for so many men and women, it is considered
by many to be an ideal method of shedding excess body weight.

Some basic tips for rookies:

• Move your left leg in front of your right leg, take a step then bring
both feet together. As with all zumba moves, remember to bend
your knees and swivel your hips as you go.

• Dance the Cumbia, a folk dance from Columbia. The history of the
dance helps the dancer to learn how the movements work. Workers
in the sugar cane fields of Columbia were bound ankle to ankle.

• Do the merengue. The merengue is a Latin dance that is similar to
a march, but the dancer doesn't lift his feet too high off the ground,
as in a typical high step march. Arms should move in small circular
motions and should remain close to the hips or the waist.

• Start with your feet together. Move your left foot forward and step
on beat one. Bend your knees and shift your weight forward when
you step.

• Start with both of your feet together. Step to your right with your
right foot on beat one. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart.

Mora about Zumba at www.zumbalice.com